釉陶马 (47A)
Blaze Pottery Horse

空心砖 (6)
Hollow Brick

雕马车纹空心砖 (43D)
Hollow Brick

雕龙纹空心砖(共五件) (5D)
Hollow Brick with Dragon Motif

雕马车纹空心砖 (5E)
Hollow Brick with Rider, Horse & Carriage

Painted Stucco Figure of Black Warrior

砖雕人物骑马像 (31G)
Brick of Equestrian

砖雕人物骑马像 (31F)
Brick of Equestrian

砖雕人物骑马像 (31H)
Brick of Equestrian

陶胎十八罗汉像(共十八件) (10A-10H, 11, 11A-11D, 12, 12A-12D)
Pottery Figure of Eighteen Arhat